Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As a local manifestation of the Universal Body of Christ, the goal and purpose of the missions effort of Redmond Community Church is to connect people with the transformational love and person of Jesus Christ in our local community as well as throughout the world. Through a spirit of love, compassion, and service as the redeemed of God, by Jesus, as His representatives on earth, we support the Gospel of Peace to the nations of the world.
The following are the missions that RCC supports financially on a monthly basis.
The following are the missions that RCC supports financially on a monthly basis.
Pregnancy Resource Center

Pregnancy Resource Centers of Central Oregon offer free and confidential services to women and couples facing planned or unplanned pregnancies. They have offices in Redmond, Bend, Prineville, and Madras.
Mike Silva International

The Mission at Mike Silva International is to practice and proclaim the life-changing message of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world’s most spiritually receptive people through compassion aid, festivals, and equipping pastors and leaders.
Path International

Path international is s Jesus-centered organization that aims to rescue and restore orphaned children living in some of the harshest places in the world. They address vulnerabilities and create opportunities through education and holistic care that empowers those who have been forgotten.
Sunrise Children's Home of Argentina

Sunrise Children’s Home International, LLC is a Non Profit 501c3 corporation. They are dedicated to helping the poor, abused and disadvantaged children at the home in San Nicolas, Argentina achieve their full potential by ensuring that their spiritual, physical and emotional needs are met.