Knowing God


Are you living with a sense of guilt and hopelessness? Like your life has no meaning? The confidence and hope every human needs and truly longs for, becomes ours when we trust what Scripture (The Bible) calls the Gospel. The word gospel simply means good news. In a world that has what seems like an overabundance of “bad news," the Gospel is truly the good news. And what is this news? That, although we suffer from the effects of being disobedient to our Heavenly Father and are imperfect, all people can be forgiven, restored, and accepted by God through faith in Jesus. The Gospel is first and foremost about a person, Jesus Christ. 


The answer is sin. To sin is to act contrary to God’s commands in our thoughts, will, or actions. The term that is translated sin in the Bible is an archery term that carries the idea of missing the mark, or missing the target. Disobedience lies at the center as the cause of our need for the forgiveness and restoration the gospel brings. As far as morality and holiness go, total moral perfection was the intended target (“Bulls-eye”) we were created for. Both the Bible and human experience demonstrate that all people fall tragically short of hitting the mark of moral perfection and holiness. 


Like there is no way from under the weight and bondage of shame and condemnation?…Well, there is Good News for you! Because God is not only just, but is also merciful. Not only righteous, but loving. He accomplished the most amazing rescue for you! God came to earth as the man Jesus Christ. I know it sounds crazy, but He did. He did what you and I couldn’t, living a perfect life. He stood in our place, died on the cross for sins we were guilty of (past, present and future), and rose again from the dead, freeing us from the power of death. He has promised and provided for an abundant life (John 10:10) to all who trust in Him. He has promised to make you a new person from the inside out. 


Faith in Jesus saves you from a life separated from God (1 Peter 3:18). Faith in Jesus saves you from God’s judgment (Romans 5:6-9). Faith in Jesus saves brings you into God’s family making us His people (John 3:3; Acts 2:41 and 47). Faith in Jesus restores meaning to your life (Read John 4:7-14). Faith in Jesus changes us from the inside out (John 7:37-38; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 5:22-23). Faith in Jesus guarantees a hope of future deliverance from pain, suffering and death (1 Corinthians 15:35-58). 


The Bible says that experiencing forgiveness and beginning a relationship with God is as simple as trusting in Jesus Christ, and confessing your faith in Him. God’s promise to you is “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9 NASB) If you are ready to know God and receive His forgiveness, here is a suggested prayer you can use to express your heart to Him: Father, I understand that I am guilty and broken. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died for my sins and that He rose again and is alive today. I am putting my trust in Him for forgiveness of my sins and restoration of my broken relationship with You. Forgive my sins. Fill me with Your Spirit to begin living a new life for you. Based on my faith in the life, death and resurrection Jesus accomplished for me, I believe that You have accepted me as Your child forever. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


The decision to follow Christ is the best decision anyone can make. If you have taken that step in your faith journey, would you be willing to share your story by clicking the button below? Or do you have questions about what you have just read, and would like to chat? We would love to connect with you and even send you the gift of a free bible as well as come alongside you as you begin your journey with God.