Kari Castino Bio
Kari, a Central Oregon native, loves Jesus, son Rylen, dogs (Charlie and Piper) and the great outdoors. Mostly in that order. And books, lots of books. She’s an enneagram geek, loves deep dives into scripture and hiking. She has been a part of the family of RCC since 2008. She quickly got connected with the women in the Tuesday bible study group and began helping out with the youth group. Through the years she has alternated between volunteering with the youth group and the food pantry, both being close to her heart. Serving in these ministries she has been blessed in making many friends at RCC. Friendships that have been instrumental in maturing her in her walk with Christ. Her journey has had many seasons, some faithfully serving God and some walking her own way. Though these seasons she has come to trust fully in the Lord as she has experienced his forgiveness, grace and guidance. His faithfulness to her even in her unfaithfulness, has become part of her testimony. Kari wants to use every opportunity to encourage others to trust in him to write the story of their lives. She desires is to see the light of understanding and hope in our youth as they experience the reality of Gods love and purpose for them. She looks forward to the youth group spending time with one another’s families eating together, hiking together, studying the word together. What a great opportunity to support one another and grow together as the body of Christ, connected in Redmond Community Church. Her life verse (tattooed on her ankle) is Romans 8:37-39 and written in the front page of every new journal, is Hebrews 4:16. She believes the foundation of her life and the life of every believer, is the word of God and she will encourage you to read your bible every chance she gets!